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La Paz - the capital city of Bolivia |
バスを降りた後はトーマスたちと4人でホステル探し。結局バスターミナル周辺は街中から離れているためタクシーで街中へ。すると土産屋や旅行会社やカフェが建ち並ぶ街角にHotel Fuentesという素敵なホテルが!値段は他より少々高めで1泊1部屋Bs.190 = 約$28だけど綺麗だしWifi&ネットあるし朝食付きだし・・ということでここに決定☆何よりシャワーが熱い湯が出てしっかりと水がたくさん出るのがよかったです(^^) (ホステルは結構シャワーの当たり外れが多いので・・)
While, La Paz (being a big, dirty, noisy city and all) was not high on my list of places to see in South America, it's kind of a nessesary stop and a good place to do some laundry and travel planning. I wanted to stay at the Adventure Brew hostel and brewery, but it was full. We spent some time looking around and found that the neighborhood near the bus terminal was more industrial than it was hospitable. We found top digs at the Hotel Fuentes in the city center. It's surrounded by adventure gear shops, travel agents, restaurants and souvenir stalls. It's also a stone's throw away from the witch's market.
Just look for the mummified llama fetuses prominently displayed in all stages of maturation and hanging from the entrance ways like ducks at a Chinese restaurant and you'll know you're there. The ladies of the witches market can sell you all manor of protective objects and good luck charms. They have pre-packaged remedies for illness and tailor-made bringers of love, luck and money (some of these are clearly mass-produced and stocked on every store shelf). Some concoctions are to be consumed, other bundles are meant to be burned.. I'm not clear on what's what here.
夕飯は南米来て初の日本食を食べに、日本人のバックパッカーの間では結構知られているらしい「けんちゃん」というお店に。久しぶりにお箸を見てちょっと感動。でも愛想のないウェイトレスの人がマイク、トーマス、カレンにはお箸+ナイフ&フォークを置いていったのにに私にはお箸だけってのが・・!笑 トーマスはその後ナイフ&フォークを返してたし(^^;
とにかく私は人気メニューのトゥルーチャ(トラウト)ちらし寿司セット、マイクはカツ丼セットを頼みました。トラウトは新鮮でイクラも美味しかったです)^-^( 久しぶりに日本米も食べれたし♪こっちでも白いご飯はよく出るけどタイ米やジャスミンライスみたいに細長くパサパサしているものだったから日本米を食べて少しリフレッシュしました(*^_^*)
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Trucha (Trout) Chirashi at Restaurant Ken-chan |
We've been eating good in La Paz! The exchange rate is giving us access to the best restaurants in town for a song. We've had some great bolivian bites and a fair helping of international good. We ate at the "legendary" Ken-chan Japanese restaurant, home away from home for Japanese backpackers. They had Lake Titicaca trout sashimi and it was pretty good~
8月10日 - Aug. 10
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Witch markt!! |
夕飯はRestaurant Viennaというオーストリア料理のレストランへ。何か高級な装いで中へ入るとヨーロッパに来たみたい。ふつうにアウトドアの格好なんだけど大丈夫かなぁ。。と心配だったけど後から来たお客さんもみんな旅行客のようで同じような格好をしてました=3本当にサービスが良くてサーバーの人の振る舞いとかビールのつぎ方とかめちゃプロ級!
(それなのに全部で2人でチップ入れてBs.280 = $40 = ¥3200って高級レストランにしてはあり得ない値段!)
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Restaurant Vienna |
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Wiener Schnitzel |
8月11日 - Aug. 11
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They used to make a guitar with an amardillo shell! |
Oh! And today we had lots of fun at the Museo de Instrumentos Musicales. The museum was founded by the most famous charango player ever, Ernesto Cavour - and man does he ever have the most amazing collection of rare instruments. There were all kinds of pre-Colombian instruments from around the continent made of stone, bone and skin. He had an incredible collection of unique charangos made of gourds, turtle shells and (the traditional) armadillo shells. There were also hand-made instruments from around the globe. Every room we explored sputtered to life with an area appropriate sound track, triggered by our entrance. The best part was that many instruments were available for us to plunk, tap and pound on. This really made it a fun experience.