私たちが使ったツアーはLlama Pathというところで、3泊4日のプランでインカハイクをしました。
もしインカの道ハイキングでマチュピチュ行きたいのならオススメです、Llama Path☆
We did it! We just got back to Cusco after 4 days and 45 KM on the Inca Trail! It was a difficult and rewarding trip - starting at the famous "Kilometer 82" checkpoint and ending at Machu Picchu. The guides, porters, and staff at Llama Path were outstanding and professional. We got along well with everyone in our group and had a great time getting to know them along the way.
Our 13 porters carried all the tents, food, fuel and equipment. These guys were really something else. With ages ranging from 18 to 45, each carried close to 25 kilos of gear and trucked along at a good clip. They sure made us look like wimps. Some wore sandals and most chewed on coca leaves as they pounded past us with an, "hola, amigo." Just super human strength and speed. We rented an extra "half porter" at an additional cost to carry our sleeping bags, fresh clothes and toiletries to the next campsite (half porter: 7 kilos - $65 / full porter: 14 kilos - $130). This turned out to be a very good decision. We also left everything we didn't absolutely need in storage at the Llama Path office. Another couple in our group rented a full porter each! They had all the comforts of home at the campsite and just carried jackets, water and cameras on the trail. Also not a bad way to go if you can afford it.
Our main guide, Marco, was a character. He was extremely outgoing and had a sharp sense of humor. Everyone on the trail seemed to know him and love him. He told us all about the ancient world beneath our feet and passionately spoke about his ancestors' studies of the stars, agriculture and medicine. "We have to go back to the past, guys," he would say. He had a lot of other catch phrases that we all quickly adopted and abused throughout the trip. Given that Marco had no wrist watch and no internal clock, it was good that our assistant guide, Gustavo, was more consistently around and dependable with scheduling and answering questions.
I'll level with you. It was a hard hike. The altitude was the biggest factor here. If we had done the same hike at close to sea level, it would have been moderate-to-difficult and a lot like what we're used to in Japan. But even having adjusted to the altitude in Cusco for four days, we were huffing and puffing over those 4000 meter passes on day two. We rented telescoping walking sticks (two each) from Llama Path - these helped take a lot of pressure off of our knees and ankles, especially on the incredibly steep downhills.
The other difficulty we faced in the Andies was the massive swings in weather and temperature. The first day we saw everything from freezing temperatures to blazing sun, wind and rain, mosquitos and shooting stars. You've just got to be ready for anything. We did a really good job of packing (see our packing list) - we had layers in our daypacks and were able to adjust to the swings in temperature (15 degrees C different in the shade and in the sun). Sun screen, sun glasses, bug spray (DEET) and head lamps were essential! A camel-back system for drinking water would have been helpful, as breaks were less frequent than we expected.
Eating on the trail was amazing! Our cook, Elvis, synthesized a huge variety of food for every breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I had read rave reviews about the food on the trail with Llama Path, but it still exceeded my expectations! We took our meals on aluminum plates in the dining tent (doubled as the porters' sleeping tent) - complete with two tables, plastic stools for 11 and a table cloth. Elvis even topped it off with a feast and a cake on the last day! He managed to do all of this with only two gas burners and a minimum of equipment. We always had left overs. The staff also provided some snacks for the trail and pre-boiled water for drinking.
Kaori had an upset stomach in the evening on the second day. She didn't feel like eating, but Gustavo prepared an infusion for her called puma tea - some herbs and lemon, a little bitter. He came to the tent and told her to drink it all and drink it hot. She did and felt good enough to eat some soup in the tent before bed.
We did the four days without a shower. Everyone was in the same boat, so it wasn't bad at all. There were free, cold showers available at the campsite on day three, but we didn't want to wait in line for them. The toilets and other facilities at the campsites and along the trail were a nightmare. I assure you, they are worse than you are imagining. Be prepared.
1日目のハイクは計14kmで約6時間半(休憩・ランチ含め)、標高2720m~3300m。下り少しとあとはだいたい上り坂。急な上り坂は最後ちょっとあったくらいで比較的楽でした。(って言っても標高高いから上りはすぐぜぇぜぇ息が切れたけど・・( ;´Д`)
Day one: scattered showers and watching out for donkey crap. 6.5 hours, 14 KM, 580 meters up. Clear skies at night and a billion stars.
Day two: two mountain passes over 4000 meters, glaciers all around. 10 hours, 16 KM, 1320 meters up, 1020 down. Just killer climbs in the hot sun.
Day three: half-day hike in cloud forests, afternoon exploring the Winay Huayna ruins. 5 hours, 10 KM, 920 meters down. Marco tells us all about it.
▲Wiñay Huaynaという遺跡にいたラマ★
マチュピチュ付近には小さい遺跡が所々にあって、3日目の午後に行ったWiñay Huaynaというところにはマチュピチュにあるのと同じ段々畑や石れんが造りの家々がありました。そして数匹のラマ。ずーっと段々畑のとこで草を食べていて近づいても特に気にすることなく草に集中。。ハイク中ラマはしょっちゅう見かけたけどアルパカはまだ一匹も見ていません・・。なぜ?どこにいるの?アルパカ牧場?
▲そしてマチュピチュ到着!ふつうは電車とバスで3~4時間くらいで行けるけど、やっぱ自分の足でたどり着いた時の達成感と喜びはかなり大きかったです!インカの道から入る時のマチュピチュの入口「太陽の門」をくぐった後マチュピチュが見えた時は本当に感動しました(T_T)超急な石階段上った後だったのでぜぇぜぇ言ってましたが・・( ;´Д`)
▲マチュピチュの監視台である小高い山が二つあり、それを登るには別料金を払わないきゃいけないんですが、また来るチャンスはあるかどうかわからないので3日間の長いハイクで疲れ切っていたけど、登ることにしました。ワイナピチュというという高い方の山に・・見た目斜面が90°近い感じですが・・。登れば登るほど急な石階段になって行き、心臓にも足にもかなりきました。。( ;´Д`)最後の方は階段というよりハシゴみたいな階段になってたし・・!
とにかくなんとか頂上まで行ったけど頂上には平らなところはあまりなく、巨大な石が積み上げてある感じ。一歩間違えると奈落の底へ・・・( ;´Д`)マチュピチュがめっちゃ小さく見えました。しかも頂上でweed吸ってる人たちいるし・・!ハイになって落ちないといいけど・・。
Day four: 3:30 wake-up call - second group to the Sun Gate and Machu Picchu. 2 hours, 5 KM, 280 meters down. Racing along with head lamps.
Gluttons for punishment, we reserved a special entrance ticket to climb WynaPicchu - that big pointy mountain that towers above Machu Picchu. After our early morning tour of the temples and after walking around the ruins in the baking sun, we climbed the hardest, steepest peak of the whole trip! It was a scramble, but totally worth it to see the city from on top of that spire. There was some serious jungle climbing, rope dangling, cave squeezing, wall hugging craziness on this hour climb. If you don't have time to do the Inca Trail, but still want a taste, I highly recommend this climb! It's extra and tickets must be reserved in advance. But, wow!
We met our group and said goodbye to our guides at a restaurant in Aguas Calientes, a hotspring tourist trap at the bottom of the mountian (30 min by bus). We ate and drank and relived our four days together. Most of us slept on the late train/bus back to Cusco.
We spent one more day in Cusco, taking care of laundry, email, business at the post office and backing up our pictures online.
As we write this, we are on an Inca Express tour bus to Puno with a few cool stops along the way.
from naomi