そしてチチカカ湖畔に栄える町プノへ!クスコからは普通のバスで6時間。でも6時間何もしないのはもったいないと思ったので、プノに行きながら4ヵ所ほどの観光地に回ってくれるツアーバスを使いました◎ 値段は1人$55と高めだけどランチバイキング付きでガイドは英語を話せるしバスも大きくシートはデラックスシート☆しかも1番前の席で良い景色が眺められました。(でもドライバーのおっちゃんの運転がたまに荒く前を走る遅い車に超接近するからいつかぶつかるんじゃないかとずーっとヒヤヒヤしてたけど・・)
There are a few ways to go from Cusco to Puno. The regular highway busses are the cheapest but usually come with complaints of freezing temperatures and occasionally break-downs. The train is only for tourists and plugs along at a whopping $700 USD per person. We decided to take one of the now many tourist bus services that travel this route, Inca Express. They had great service, provided drinks, and an english speaking tour guide told us all about the areas we passed through along the way. We made five stops at some pretty random, but surprisingly cool places to see colonial churches, Inca temples and a museum. Wealso enjoyed the stop for a great buffet lunch! (included)
The view from the bus in the countryside of Peru |
The tree in the photo is 500 years old |
This cathedral was built in the 1570´s. Like the cathedral in Cusco, it was built on top of an exsisting Inca temple and built by Inca craftsmen. The temple under the church was found to contain mummified children - including some royal children with wooden impessions covering their faces. The organ was brought over from Germany in the 1600´s and has been restored. It´s still used for mas every Sunday.
Inka temple |
This is an Inca temple that shows square construction in the syle of the Cusco builders and round pillars in the stlye of the Puno builders. It also has some mud-brick sections that are more representative of the pre-Inca cultures that lived in this area.
Sheep everywhere |
Lunch buffe - included in the tour! |
Best roasted alpaca ever... Buffet lunch was a huge success. (with rice pudding and flan for dessert)
At 4300m high! |
This was the highest point on our bus trip, 4300 meters. We were about this high up on the Inca trail as well.
Mummy! Creeeeepyyy... |
This little museum was the weirdest stop along the trip. There was some colonial era furnature and clothing there. But the highlight was the pre-Incan mummy! Creepy!
Dogs everywhere as usuall.. and we found a cute one |
We finished up with some grilled chicken and trout at a popular place in Puno - and man, oh, man did they pile it on!! Great food to end a great travel day!
Kaori´s grilled trout. HUGE!! |
Mike´s grilled chicken. HUGE!! and juicy..^^ |
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