
Into Argentina, Salta - アルゼンチン〜サルタ

8月19日 - Aug. 19
そして夜10時・・・と思いきや、アルゼンチンはチリより時間が1時間進んでいて夜11時にサルタ到着・・何もせずバスに乗ってただけだけどめちゃ疲れたー・・(´Д` )しかも標高4300mから一気に1200mのサルタまで来たから耳がいたーい・・!


8月20日 - Aug. 20
マイクのiPhoneのアラームで起床。9時半に起きたと思ったらマイクのiPhoneの時計を1時間進めるの忘れてて10時半でした・・(´Д` )遅い朝食を食べ、ネットして、町をぶらぶらしに。

・・・パスタ、またまた茹ですぎー・・!しかもスパゲッティなんだけどやけに太いしうどんみたいにちょっと角がある(´Д` )ソースは美味しかったけど、麺がっっ。。
ペルーとかボリビアもそうだったけど、やけにスパゲッティが太いしみんないつもふにゃふにゃに茹でて水っぽいからソースが薄まっちゃうんだよね・・(´Д` )なぜ!?みんな柔らかいのが好きなのかなぁ。。南米ではパスタを食べるのは諦めようか。。



We had breakfast and plenty of time to board a 9:30 Andesmar bus to Salta, Argentina. We had to go through a few border crossing checkpoints, but made it through with no problems. The busses in this part of the world are a bit nicer. We had upgraded seats, climate control throughout the trip, movies on a shared flatscreen and hot and cold drinks available. The bathroom wasn't any better than the Bolivia bus though. We also received a pathetic sandwich and an above average cookie.

We were supposed to arrive around 7:30 PM, but the bus made bad time and we didn't get in until 9:30 - and that's right about when I realized we had lost an hour at the border. So we actually arrived in Salta tired and hungry at 10:30. Did I mention we had no place to stay?

There were a few people greeting travelers and offering free rides to hostels. We took one and it was an easy 10 min. cab ride to the place. But.. The room was too crappy to be real.. So we had to bail, jump in another cab and start going down my list from hostels.com (turning out to be more helpful than lonely planet when Internet access is available). We got it a room on our third try.

We stayed at the bright and clean Hostel Salta Por Siempre. It was $200AR a night for a double room with private bath ($41.50US) - so kind of on the expensive side for a hostel. But courtyard was nice and breakfast and wifi were included. We had a late mediocre dinner and crashed.

We got up late. We had to make the most of our one day to explore the city, so we set off for the city center. We walked around the pretty square. There were almost no people on the street and many shops were closed (we later found out that it was a national holiday). The pink cathedral was a highlight. It looks like a decorated cake all lit up at night. Then we had some lunch and checked out the historical museum in the plaza. We saw a lot of colonial furniture and clothing. Then we chanced our way onto on of those double decker tourist busses. These are supposed to be only for lame middle-aged tourists, but it was kind of a cool way to see the colonial buildings that are spread out around the city.

We had a hard time finding good food in Salta. We had a few failed attempts at finding the places in the guidebook (closed on Monday or just plain not there). We can't recommend eating Italian food in Argentina - it's a shame because it's ubiquitous. I read that Argentinian people eat a lot of Italian food, but the dishes and sauces come as separate items on the menu, setting you back twice the pesos, and they tend to overboil the noodles to lunch lady specifications.

We saw a lot more action in town after dark and on our second day there. In the afternoon we jump in an airplane for Iguazu falls!

So this was kind of a departure from our original plan to go overland. The long bus rides were just gonna' take up too much of our remaining vacation. We decided to bite the bullet and fly straight to Iguazu. Our last bus would be an overnight to Buenos Aires.


The cathedral at the main plaza

夜、中央広場ら辺をぶらぶら。・・てか夜になって人がわんさか出てきたし、昼開いてなかったお店がいくらか開いている・・。なんで!?(´Д` )祭日なんだから一日中閉まってればいいのに。。

ペルーやボリビアは日本の1/2〜1/5くらいの値段だったんだけどなぁ。。これから行くイグアスやブエノスアイレスは同じくらいかそれ以上に高いんだろうなぁ。。(´Д` )

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