Well.. I spoke to a friend recently who told me about her personal experience crossing overland at the Chilean border.. and about being stuck for three days while waiting for her visa to get processed.. That did not sound like much fun. A quick Google search backed up this account with about 30 different horror stories of blogged bureaucratic blundering coming from every angle.
So, you've been warned.. Think it might be easier to get this done in Japan before you leave?? Think again.
What a US citizen needs to get an entry visa for Bolivia (if you apply for it in Japan)
・パスポート(期限が6ヶ月以上あるもの) - Passport with the validity of over 6 months
・ビザ申請書 - Visa application
・黄熱病接種証明書(いわゆるイエローカード) - Yellow fever vaccination proof (Yellow Card)
・銀行残高証明書(英語)- Bank statement
・無犯罪歴証明書 - Certificate of criminal record
・ボリビアでのホテル予約 - Hotel reservations in Bolivia
・飛行機のEチケット(それかボリビアに入国/出国する時の何かしらの交通チケット)- Flight ticket/E-ticket/outbound bus ticket
・現金13,500円($135) - $135 in cash (crisp, clean bills if you apply in the neighboring countries of Bolivia or at the border)
*If you apply in the US or in the surrounding countries of Bolivia or at the border, you do not need criminal record, but you need a passport-sized photo.
黄熱病接種証明書・・・!? So yeah, yellow fever vaccination is officially required to enter - but this depends on where you've been / where you're going / how the agent's feeling at the time of application. Just get the shot..
無犯罪歴証明書・・・!? Thanks Japan... Bolivia doesn't require you to provide "evidence of no criminal record" to enter... But it's required in Japan if you want to apply for a visa to Bolivia. I would really like to hear their explanation for this (maybe not). For all you non-criminals, just consider this another piece of paper that will require you to take time of work and 2 weeks of waiting time to receive. NO THANKS.
警視庁のサイトを見てみると、「申請日から2週間後にお渡しします。 」・・・と・・・。
If you are a US citizen, you need to get an entry visa for Bolivia! Better to get it before going there.
Given all the added red-tape, if would be impossible for me to get this done in Japan before we leave (2 weeks from now). But enough blog research produced this plan: I'm going to ready all that paperwork before I leave Japan and thrn get my visa at the Bolivian Consulate in Puno, Peru. Most accounts make this seem like a good bet for fast, hassle-free visa stamping!
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