
予防接種 - Vaccination


The lonely planet's "greatest hits" of required vaccines for South America.
A型肝炎 - Hepatitis A
腸チフス - Typhoid
破傷風 - Tetanus



計:約¥44,000 (1人)




So yeah..  I would file this one under "unexpected costs" - it's not that had a figure in mind, but I didn't expect to pay about  $550 per person for vaccines and altitude sickness meds... Japan has an amazing heath-care system.  But we had to act outside of our insurance to get these shots for luxury travel.

Going to get our shots in Shinagawa was an experience in itself.  We got to sit down with a doctor and talk for about 20 min. all about our trip.  He told us all about the safety risks and was very easy going and knowledgeable.  We talked about water purification (a must), food-born illness, and how to avoid  mosquito bites.  He accessed the CDC and other online resources like Travax to show us maps of risk-areas for yellow fever and malaria.  You can guess we probably saved another thousand dollars by steering clear of the Amazon Jungle Basin.  In fact, we'll be spending most of our trip above 2300 meters and hence, above the native habitat of deadly-disease carrying mosquitoes.  I wasn't all that interested in braving the Amazon just for a chance at bird spotting and a chance to eat piranha, thank you very much.

Anyway, we ended up with the three shots you see above and a stock of altitude sickness meds and antibiotics to use in the case of a severely troubled stomach.  Then I got dizzy and had to lie down and wait out a panic attack.. smooth..

We're still on the fence on Yellow Fever.  We would have to go to a different, government run site to get that shot.. some sources say it's required for entry into some SA countries, but the most recent information seems to say that they don't require it if you travel outside of affected areas.  Then there's always the risk of actually getting yellow fever.. and that's not one you want to get, folks..

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