
Buenos Aires - ブエノスアイレス(2)

8月26日- Aug. 26

It's always good to drink beer on the boat!

Always comes with french fries..
 On our third day, we jumped on a train and headed out to Tigre.  We meandered around before deciding on a 2-hour tour on a big catamaran.  We ordered lunch and beer and watched from our window-side table as we slid out of the harbor.  The first hour was really cool!  There are lots of little cottages and vacation homes build on stilts on the hundreds of little islands in the delta.  We finished our lunch and just zoned out as the rolled by on the riverbank.  The last hour was endless wetlands and not much to look at.  We tried to go outside, but just ended up cold..

ランチクルーズで悠々とできたんだけど、帰りの電車が何かトラブルがあったらしく中々来ない。。しかも途中3つ目の駅で止まって、「いつ動くかわかりません」的な放送があったらしく乗っている人みんな一斉に降りて、何人かはあきらめて駅を出て行く・・・。うちらはどうしていいかわからずホームて立ち往生・・・。するとまた放送があり「今から発車します」みたいな・・・。なんて適当な!!せっかく席座れてたのに電車戻るの一足遅れて立つことに(- -;)まぁ無事ブエノスアイレス市街に着いたけど;;

Our train back got stuck in the station for about an hour.  There was a crowd of young, drunk hooligans (soccer).  Backing an incredible racket and smoking weed.  The police eventually came, but didn't really take them off the train or anything..  I'm not sure if that was really the reason for the delay or not.  But it was annoying either.


We salvaged the evening by watching Batman and eating Shwarma~


8月27日 - Aug. 27 ⇒南米旅、一日観光ができる最後の日!


We wanted to spend our last whole day doing a day trip to Colonia on the Uruguay side of the bay, but decided to better spend the money (boat ride across 130 pesos each way), on food and entertainment.  We did the remaining things on our city center list, walked around the Recoleta grave yard, and booked an evening Tango show at Cafe' Tortoni.

Cafe Tortoni

Haunted mansion!?

Huge rubber tree!

Beautiful white cathedral

Cementerio de la Recoleta - レコレータ墓地
あとまだ行っていなかった、1810年5月25日にアルゼンチンの独立宣言がされた五月広場(Plaza de Mayo)にある大統領官邸のカサ・ロサダ(Casa Rosada = ピンク色の館)を見に。名前の通り本当にピンク!

Casa Rosada at Plaza de Mayo


The show was a blast.  I didn't know what to expect, but I knew that most tourists end up at a tango show at some point on their visit to BA.  But the show, the food, the wine - it all made for a fun night out..  Best of all, the BAND was amazing.  Lots of love for the tango.  Also, a pretty good value at Tortoni.  We got there early and ordered food, but came out at about half the price of the inclusive dinner shows (ticket 130 pesos, dinner and drinks, about 150 pesos per person =  US$50 each).  A good last night in South America.

Argentina Tango
8月28日 - Aug. 28

We spent the morning getting ready to leave, boxing up treats for the folks back home, and headed to the National Art Museum in Recoleta.  We finished off the trip with one more pile of grilled meat and headed for the Airport. 


The last meal in Argentina is.. grilled chicken and Bife de Chorizo (= Beef steak)


空港へは タクシーで。そしたらAL$215もかかった!持ってた現金ぎりぎりだった・・・セーフ・・・。

We had three flights home that day with two 3-hour lay-overs.  It was a marathon of discomfort and mostly sleepless. 


ブエノスアイレス⇒リマ (5時間) Buenos Aired to Lima (Aerolineas, boxed sandwich, 5 hours)
リマ⇒ロサンゼルス (9時間) Lima to Los Angeles (LAN, hot sandwich, 9 hours)
ロサンゼルス⇒東京 (11時間) Los Angeles to Tokyo (Korean Air, bibinba, 11 hours)




Buenos Aires - ブエノスアイレス(1)

8月23-24日 - Aug. 23-24
イグアスから夜行バスに乗ってブエノスアイレス向けて出発!出発午後2:15、到着予定翌朝の8:30と約18時間の超長旅。でもシートは1番良いTotal Camaにしたのでよく眠れそう♪
食事は夕飯&朝食と2回+スナックや飲み物付き。夕飯はラザニアだったけど美味しくなかったー・・(´Д` )でもメンドーザ産の白ワインが飲めました♫


Our last night bus.. Not a bad way to go from Iguazu to Buenos Aires.  The comfort level on the buses in Argentina is much higher than in Blovia.  It's more like flying business class.  Well, the chair is, anyway.. The food is more like flying economy.  And we had movies, but couldn't hear anything.  And we had wifi (technically), but no data was able to go in or out of it.. so..

When we got to BA at 8:00 AM, we went straight to our HOTEL (that's right - we went out in comfort and style).  We spent our last four nights in a big clean bed with a killer shower and maid service.  Yes!




Classic brownie and Argentina brownie with dolce de leche and coconut powder

ブエノスアイレスの5日間、太りそう。。(´Д` )

Argentina beef! = Happy cow
We spent our first day walking all over the city center.  We went from plaza to plaza checking out the Persian buildings and watching the people.  We stopped for coffee and sweets too~  Dulce de Leche everywhere!  We even started things off right with a proper steak for dinner! 

8月25日 - Aug. 25
まずはブエノスアイレスタンゴ発祥の地、そして有名サッカー選手を多数生み出した地元サッカーチームがあるLa Bocaという地区へ。La Bocaは治安が悪い地域なので観光客が見て回るのは町のほんの一角。カラフルな三角形のレストランバーが目印☆アルゼンチン人の観光客も大勢来ていてにぎわっている。

La Boca

We met a friend, Will, in La Boca around noon on our second day.  We managed to get there by bus, but it was a little tricky to figure out where to get on and what number to take.  We got caught up over empinadas and more bakery sweets and walked around La Boca, taking in the colorful buildings and dodging pushy restaurant hosts.  We tried to explore the docks a bit, but kept being turned away with warnings of certain misfortune.  Still not safe to stray from the tourist areas in La Boca, folks. 

菓子パンやパイも売っていたのでデザートに、アルゼンチン(というか南米)の人たちが大好きなDoce de lecheという茶色く甘~いピーナッツソフトみたいなペーストが入ったデニッシュを頂きました。・・・ほんと相変わらず甘ーーーい(>_<)
他にも定番お菓子で、ココナッツをまぶしたクッキーでDoce de lecheを挟んだものがあるんですが、これもまた甘ーーーーい!甘過ぎて食べると舌がムズムズ痒くなりました。。

その後Belgranoという地区にある中華街(Barrio de Chino)へ。大きな町なら比較的世界中どこにでもあるチャイナタウン。長旅をする日本人にとっては都会のオアシス的な存在(*^^*)

Kaori was dead-set on finding some Chinese food, so we headed out to China Town.  Not really on many people's radar, we were surprised that Will had never been there.  We had a pretty authentic China Town experience and ate some pretty good food too!

頼んだものは青梗菜炒め、牛肉炒め、麻婆豆腐、水餃子、豚チャーハン、白米、オランダビール。3人で結構頼んだけどアジア料理に飢えていたせいか、完食。南米来て初の豆腐!美味しかった~~(o´Д` o)

yummy yummy


Iguazu Falls - イグアスの滝

8月21日 - Aug. 21

Iguaz Falls, from the airplane!

The pilot really gave us a show when he made the announcement. "Ladies and gentlemen, if you look out the window on the right side of the aircraft, you'll soon see Iguazu falls." With everyone out of their seats and every face pressed to the glass, he made a slow, low turn and blew us all away. At first, it was only visible as a column of mist rising from the jungle, and then as a gaping hole swallowing the flood plane, then finally we could see the cascades of the world's greatest waterfall. when the pilot righted the aircraft and the falls dipped out of view, the crowd went wild. Fantastic.

・・・え!?麺がスパゲッティ・・(´Д` )!?味は生姜とニンニクの味が効いてて悪くないけど。。焼きそばではない・・。こんなアジア人が1人も住んでなさそうな田舎町で中華麺が簡単に手に入るわけないものね。。でも久しぶりにお箸が使えました。

We took a shuttle bus to our hostel. We stayed at a place right in the middle of the town Puerto Iguazu. There are a bunch of new hostels out of town that have a long list of amenities but are a bit isolated.

8月22日 - Aug. 22
イグアスの滝はテーマパークみたいになっていて入園料は130ペソ(=約$27)。3つのコースがあって、まずは1つ目の滝の下ら辺を回るコース(Lower Trail)へ。少し歩くと見えてきた!遠くの方にDevil's Throat(悪魔の喉)と呼ばれる滝が!そして歩くと次々と見えてくる!何個もの滝が横に連なっていて巨大な滝のカーテンを作り出している。虹がところ度にかかっていてライオンキングのプンバとティモが住んでるジャングルみたい!ウユニやアタカマ砂漠の時みたいにまた別の世界に来たみたい。

We hired a ride to the falls in the morning. We left town at 8:00 and arrived at the park entrance a half hour later. We had planed on jumping on the train and heading straight for the devil's throat before the crowds came. I'm glad that girl in our ride share talked us out of it. There's really only one correct order to do it.

We walked the green trail into the park, spotting monkeys and exotic birds. When we got to the observation tower, we started with the lower path, and got up close and personal with some of the lesser falls. Then we took the high road and looked down over the edge of the beast. Last, we took the train the rest of the way to the epicenter of awesome - to the best view of water falling on the planet, the devil's throat. We were able to finish the first two courses before the crowds came, but we had to share the catwalk with quite a few people after 10:30 or so.

San Martin island was closed due to flooding which was too bad because I thought that would be a fun hike. We decided not to spend the money for a boat ride under the falls, but I feel like we saw and experienced the falls thoroughly from the platforms. The only problem is that we saw everything we could see before even lunch time. We had a 6:00 PM ride back to town, so we had some time to kill. We did devil's throat again, and it was still awesome. But we kinda ran out of energy by 3:00 and got stuck napping away an afternoon under a patio umbrella.

The first view from the falls


次のコース(Upper Trail)は滝の上の方を歩いて滝が上から見えるコース。やっぱすごいな。。次から次へと飲み込まれていく川の水。

The view from Upper Trail

最後はDevil's Throatを見に行くコース。電車で行けるので、30分くらい待って電車に乗る。めちゃ込んでたけど。。
並んでる時たまたま日本人の家族のツアーグループの人たちがいて、その中のおばちゃんが夢中になってしゃべってる間私の方に寄ってくるというかくっついてくるというか押してくるというか・・・。少し離れてもまた近づいてくるし。やめてー・・(´Д` )(´Д` )対して詰めても順番とか変わらないのに。てかこのおばちゃんには人にぶつかっている意識は全然無いみたいだけど。
はぁ。。(´Д` )=3


15分後駅到着。駅から15分くらい歩いたとこにDevil's Throatが!言葉に表せないくらいすごいです!!勢いが!規模が!!本当に悪魔の喉のようになんでも飲み込んでしまいそうな勢い。

Devil's Throat - 悪魔の喉

お昼食べた後もDevil's Throatを見に行く。何度見てもすごいなぁ。。

After lunch
These birds are everywhere in the park. Always looking for food crams!

